An Interview with Eleana Balabanis

Program Manager, Brussels

Edelman Global Advisory recently caught up with Eleana Balabanis on her professional experience, what excites her most about her work at EGA, and what she'd be doing if she didn't work at EGA. See our interview below and keep up with Eleana on LinkedIn

EGA: What excites you most about your role at EGA?

EB: Working at the frontline of the latest innovations in the healthcare sector, alongside brilliant expert colleagues from around the world. I am humbled by the deep understanding of global health policy and knowledge of the stakeholder ecosystem and dynamics we have here at EGA.  

EGA: What would you say is your personal area of expertise?

EB: I’ve been specializing in healthcare public affairs since I started my career and I never thought I’d become so passionate and fascinated by health policy and life sciences. I especially enjoy the market access/policy & government affairs intersection and I like to think that I bring analytical conceptualization and real-world problem-solving skills into our public affairs and advisory work.   

EGA: If you could give yourself one piece of advice at the start of your career, what would it be?

EB: People and teams always make the difference. The people who surround you will be your biggest treasure: they will doubt you, they will empower you, they will guide you in your growth journey. And at the end of the day the impact you have on them (and vice-versa) and the personal relationships you build will be your legacy. Also, you need to let go of planning everything. Far more useful is a good general sense of direction. Lastly: always stay true to yourself. 

EGA: What past work project or accomplishment are you the proudest of and why?

EB: I have had the privilege to work with truly expert clients and the trust and opportunity to be an extended member of the team and a thought partner on pivotal and strategic areas of work has been my biggest reward. I am also grateful for the recognition I have received during my academic years such as when the London School of Economics asked me whether my thesis could be used as an example piece to current students or when I was awarded a merit-based fellowship for my master’s at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).

EGA: What would you do if you weren’t doing this?

EB: Due to my academic background and as a native Greek, I am especially fascinated by the region of the Western Balkans and would probably work in international affairs, supporting long-term stability and prosperity in the region. That being said, my childhood dream was to become an actress or a talk show host…I love the world of fashion and would also enjoy being a sports journalist. Truly a restless personality…(haha).

EGA: If you could invite 3 people (living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you choose and why?

EB: Michael Jordan – because he changed the game of basketball and he will forever inspire me with his greatness and leadership style. Nikos Kazantakis, a Greek writer and philosopher – because I believe I share his existential quest and the need to explore themes of freedom, spirituality, and human potential. Josip Broz Tito, Former President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia – because I have studied extensively the history and disintegration of Yugoslavia and he is definitely one of the foremost figures of the 20th century.

EGA: How do you like to spend your time outside of work? Do you have any special hobbies or interests?

EB: I am a basketball player and have played at semi-professional level for 22 years. I am a big sports fan and supporter of Olympiacos (Greek team). I am also passionate about photography and have previously taken two courses on B&W film and digital photography. Since I lived in Bologna I developed a big passion for travelling across Italy, learning the Italian language and exploring the Italian cuisine (don’t know if loving Italy is actually a hobby but here you go!). 

About Eleana Balabanis

Eleana Balabanis is part of the Health & Wellbeing team​ ​at Edelman GlEleana Balanbanisobal Advisory Brussels and supports clients in the healthcare sector with EU policy advocacy and strategy, strategic communications, and multi-stakeholder engagement.

Prior to joining EGA, Ms. Balabanis worked at a Brussels-based public affairs consultancy specializing in policy-led healthcare communications and strategies in a range of therapeutic areas and corporate and legislative initiatives. While there, she also provided management consulting for government affairs and patient engagement functions at large pharmaceutical companies, specialized biotechs, trade associations, and NGOs. ​

Ms. Balabanis has held roles in communications, international affairs, and development in Bologna, Washington DC, the European Parliament. She also did field volunteer work across Ghana.​​

Ms. Balabanis graduated from the University of Bath with a bachelor’s in politics and economics, and holds two master's degrees – from the Johns Hopkins University (SAIS) in international economics and conflict management, and the London School of Economics in EU politics.​​

A native Greek speaker but Brussels-born, Ms. Balabanis is fluent in English, French, and Italian, and has a basic command of Spanish.